Here are some Tracks composed and recorded at my small home studio
My Gear
My Gear
Ibanez RG870QMZ-HVV
Strictly7 Solar 7 OFR
ESP Strat customized by Siggi Braun
Fender Precicion Roger Waters signature
Sting Ray 5
F4U CORSAIR Top (see Projects for more information)
Modyfied Dunlop CB-535Q Wah
Exodus HBW Wah
D.O.M. see Projects for more information
Own designed/ built Speaker Emulator (DSP based)
MoTu M4
MoTu Ultra Lite MK3 Hybrid interface
RME Fireface 800
Shure SM57, PG57, Audiotechnica M2, SE Electronics E2200 C Mikes
Line6 PodHD (not in use)
Korg Triton (not in use)
Threadripper Workstation
Presonus StudioOne
All instruments&voices played and programmed by me :-