Studio Main Monitor - Exodus AMPs

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Studio Main Monitor

PROJECTS > Studio Monitors
After some projects and getting more and more experience Ive decided to create new main monitor system based on Wavecor drivers. This time I spent way more time in concept and design itself. Cabinets have about 23 litre volume, two ports tuned around 43 Hz to get nice roll-off at bottom end. 22 mm dome tweeter (TW022xxx) placed in one hand near to cabinet edge and near as possible to mid-driver as close as possible to improve the over all performance and  make it omnidirectional, but keep the axis close to base driver for better phase behaviour as well.
Tweeter and woofer have 3-th order crossover -this topology works the best for this combination
Many braces keep the cabinet quiet and oiled teak veneer looks in real life just awesome. Compared to my other projects this set is not only very accurate, but have very fast dynamic response. Imaging and staging is just gorgeous.....;-)   
(c) Sebastian Kulik
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